Welcome to Our New SEPAC Website!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new PVCICS SEPAC website, designed with you in mind! Our goal was to create a user-friendly, accessible platform where parents, guardians, and community members can easily find the resources, support, and information they need. What’s New? Our new WordPress website offers several exciting features: Why This Matters […]

Welcome to Our New SEPAC Website! Read More »

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Space at Home: Tips for a Calming Environment

At PVCICS SEPAC, we understand the importance of creating a safe and calming environment for our children, especially those with sensory processing needs. A sensory-friendly space at home can be a sanctuary where your child feels comfortable, supported, and able to self-regulate. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create such a space, complete

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Space at Home: Tips for a Calming Environment Read More »

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