
1. Key SEPAC Resources

  • Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
  • U.S. Department of Education
    • Website – Federal resources and information on education policies, including those affecting students with disabilities.
  • IDEA (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
    • Website – Essential information on the federal law that ensures services to children with disabilities throughout the nation.
  • Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN)
    • Website – Training, support, and resources for families of children with special needs in Massachusetts.

2. Specific Disability Resources

  • Massachusetts DESE Special Education Resources
    • Resource List – A curated list of resources provided by DESE, covering a wide range of disabilities and support services.
  • Federation for Children with Special Needs Resource List
    • Resource List – Comprehensive resources for parents and professionals dealing with specific disabilities.
  • AAP Council on Children with Disabilities
    • Website – Resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics focused on children with disabilities.
  • PANDAS Network
    • Website – Information and support for families dealing with PANDAS/PANS.
  • PANDAS Physicians Network
    • Website – A resource for medical professionals and families to understand and treat PANDAS/PANS.

3. Mandarin Immersion Support

  • Mandarin Immersion Parent Support
    • Facebook Group – A community for parents involved in Mandarin immersion programs.
  • Mandarin Immersion Parents Council
    • Website – Resources, news, and support for parents of children in Mandarin immersion programs.

4. Reading/Phonics Resources

  • International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
    • Website – Information and resources on dyslexia and reading difficulties.
  • Scarborough’s Reading Rope
    • Video Explanation – A visual explanation of the intertwined skills that lead to reading proficiency.
  • Kendore Learning
    • Website – Phonics-based learning resources and professional development.
  • Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
  • The Reading League

5. Advocacy and Legal Support

  • Disability Law Center (DLC)
    • Website – Legal services and advocacy for individuals with disabilities in Massachusetts.
  • Massachusetts Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (SEPACs)
    • SEPAC Handbook A guide to understanding the role and function of SEPACs in Massachusetts.

6. Parent Support and Training

  • Family TIES of Massachusetts
    • Website – Support and information for parents of children with special needs.
  • Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs)
    • Find PTIs in Massachusetts – Website – Workshops, resources, and support for parents and professionals.

7. Educational Resources and Workshops

  • The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI)
    • Website – Training and research to support inclusion for people with disabilities.
  • Parent Professional Advocacy League (PPAL)
    • Website – Support for families with children who have mental health needs.

8. Local SEPACs

  • Finding Your Local SEPAC

9. Mental Health and Wellness Resources

  • Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
    • Website – Assistance and resources for mental health and substance use issues.
  • NAMI Massachusetts (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
    • Website – Education, support, and advocacy for those affected by mental illness.

10. Transition Resources

  • Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
    • Website – Services for individuals with disabilities transitioning from school to adult life.
  • Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities (DESE)
    • Guide – Resources for planning the transition from school to post-secondary life.

11. Contact Information for PVCICS SEPAC

  • PVCICS email:

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