Welcome to Our New SEPAC Website!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new PVCICS SEPAC website, designed with you in mind! Our goal was to create a user-friendly, accessible platform where parents, guardians, and community members can easily find the resources, support, and information they need.

What’s New?

Our new WordPress website offers several exciting features:

  • Easy Navigation: With a clean and simple layout, finding the information you need is easier than ever. Whether you’re looking for meeting schedules, special education resources, or the latest SEPAC news, everything is just a click away.
  • Resource Hub: We’ve curated a comprehensive list of resources, including links to local and state organizations, helpful articles, and tools to support your child’s educational journey.
  • Event Calendar: Stay up-to-date with our new calendar, where you can find information on upcoming SEPAC meetings, workshops, and community events – coming soon!
  • Blog Updates: Our blog will feature regular posts on topics that matter to our community, from special education tips to stories of advocacy and success.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Access our website from any device, whether you’re on your computer, tablet, or phone. The responsive design ensures you can stay connected wherever you are.

Why This Matters

We know how important it is for families to have access to reliable information and support. Our new website is here to serve as a central hub for all things SEPAC, making it easier for you to engage with our community, stay informed, and advocate for your child’s needs.

Get Involved

We invite you to explore the new site and discover all the resources available to you. Whether you’re new to SEPAC or have been with us for years, there’s something here for everyone. And remember, we’re always looking for feedback! If you have suggestions or ideas for how we can improve the site, please let us know.

Thank you for being a part of our SEPAC community. We look forward to growing together and continuing our mission to empower and support every family.

Visit our new website at https://www.sepac.online/ and stay connected with us!

Warm regards,


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